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Knots in neck / headaches
9/23 17:35:11

Hi Lawrence

Over the last couple of months, I've been having troubles with my neck. There are two knots, one quite large about half way down that back of my neck next to my spine, and one running along what feels like a cord on the edge of my neck at the back.

I have also been experiencing headaches where the knots are, and also a bit further up towards the top of my head.

It has also effected my energy levels I feel.

I've been seeing a massage therapist, but this hasn't helped. I don't feel stressed, although I am starting to worry as it effects me every day.

Your thoughts / advice are greatly appreciated.



Hi, Aaron.

Muscular contraction patterns form for a number of reasons, but all amount to the same thing:  conditioned postural reflexes that keep muscles tight.

You can't massage away a postural reflex; you have to train it into a more healthy response pattern.

Please see the article on headaches at for more explanation and what you can do.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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