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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > c-spine
9/23 17:41:38

my MRI results shoe that I have degenerative disc disease at the c3-4 with posterior disc osteophyte complex, also right sided uncovertebral joint spurring narrowing the right c3-4 neural foramen. I also have disc desiccation at the c4-5 and the c5-6. I have narrowing of the left c5-6 neural foramen secondary to uncovertebral joint spurring... what can be done about this, for I am in pain a lot of the time, I've been thorough pain management, pt makes things worse.. I've seen a couple of drs. one dr. says that the c-spine problems are causing a lot of things happening with the nerves in my arms.. ,had a nerve conduction test also.. results say that there is problems with the electrical impulses in both of my arms,  also had a MRI of the middle of my back, between the shoulder blades, results show bulging disc...  will surgury fix my neck?  thank you for your time..  have a great day..     ray


Thanks for writing!

I have not a clue if surgery would correct your neck. I doubt if it could be done without anything less than a extensive fusion of the segments with steel plates. This is based on the  fact that there are multiple levels involved.

I would recomend a Posture Pump. It is a cervical restoring devise used at home. They are available at or a good chiropractor could order one for you.

There is a home exercise you can do that will help a lot And it is this.
Standing or laying on your back, keep your face straight forward. Do not tilt the chin down or up. If you are lying on your back, move the face toward the ceiling is such a way that if it touched the ceiling, your face would be flat on the ceiling. If you are standing, move it straight forward in such a way that your forehead and chin would touch the wall in front of you at the same time. It has to go straight forward.
Holding that position, move your chin in a figure eight pattern. Imagine the wall is a piece of paper. You have a pencil sticking straight out from your chin. Use the tip of the pencil to write a "8" laying on its side. When done correctly, the neck will then make a crunching noise at the base of the skull. This is good. It will help your neck. It might not take the crunching sound out right away, but it will ensure that no damage is done and in fact will correct the problem if one persists in using it.
Does this answer you question?
If not, go to, and and look for a good chiropractor near you. They can go over the exercise with you. It if from Dr. DeJarnette's writing.

Also, water intake is very important. And there are specific nutrients for this type of thing. One of the chiropractors listed on the websites above could advise you.

Dr. Rozeboom  

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