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Neck knots / tension
9/23 17:35:10

Hi Liza

I hope you are well.

I have had knots in my neck (on the right side, at the back) for the last couple of months. I think it is due to stress / anxiety... although I don't feel stressed at the moment, I do feel a bit anxious subconciously due to headaches in my neck / base of my skull and also towards the top of my head, and down towards my ear.

I'm pretty sure it's all related to the tightness / knots in my neck, however massage sessions has not helped.

Do you have any suggestions?

Your help is greatly appreciated.



Hi Aaron,

The symptoms that you are describing sound like you have a combination of muscle tightness (knots in your neck), joint sprains and cervicogenic headaches (headaches arising from neck problems). Massage would only be mildly beneficial because it would only address the muscle tightness but not the joint sprains in your neck.

I would recommend that you find a Chiropractor in your area who can assess you and provide the appropriate treatment. Treatment would most likely involve adjustments/mobilizations, muscle release techniques, ice/heat, exercises/stretches and/or physical therapy modalities (laser, electrical stimulation, ultrasound).

I hope this helps!

Dr. Liza

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