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pain in upper arm
9/23 17:31:32

I have off and on pain in upper arm how to rectify

Hello Pooja,

I'm happy to help if I can.  "Pain in upper arm" is a pretty general term, so I'm not sure if you mean your deltoid muscles that make up the outside of your shoulder and top of your arm, or your triceps that make up the back of your upper  arm, or the biceps that make-up the front of your upper arm.   The good news is that I do think I can help you.

Most chronic pain in a body comes from the shortening and tightening of tissue around joints.  When the soft-tissue in your body gets tight it pulls and holds the bones in less than optimal positions and often yanks on nerves that then cause you to feel pain.  If you thing of all the muscles in your body like the rigging (ropes) on a big old-fashioned sailboat, then you can begin to understand that all the tension in the muscles must be appropriately balanced for all the bones and nerves etc. to remain free to function as they were designed.  I talk about all of this in great detail on the homepage of my completely free website,  , where there are free follow-along videos that show you how to fix yourself.

From your description, I'm going to recommend you check out two pages to see which one gives you the best results.  First, I would recommend you go to the Shoulder Joint Pain Relief page,
I think this will probably help you to release the cause of your pain.  But I think you may also benefit from the Elbow Joint Pain Relief Page,, since you may have some issues that this page will show you how to release.  

I do hope this helps.  Just follow along with the videos, take your time, and odds are that you can fix yourself.

All The Best,
Gary Crowley

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