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Severe burning pain in back.
9/23 17:34:58

I'm 22 years old and gave birth to my son a year ago. I received an epidural and when it was being administered I felt a sharp pain go down my spine into my legs. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I continued to have this pain for about 6 months after I had him, along with a numbness in my left shoulder blade and left hand. It went away until about a month ago when I started getting the same pains. Yesterday it happened again, only it didn't stop and radiated throughout my lower back and into my hips. The pain is constant as well as the numbness. I don't have insurance, but will find a way to go to a doctor because I can't deal with this pain. No over the counter meds are helping and nothing I do helps. Please help me. Thank you.

Hi Alyson,

I would recommend that you find a Chiropractic doctor in your area who can determine the cause of your pain. The pain and numbness may be due to a nerve impingement in your back. This can be treated using a variety of techniques such as chiropractic adjustments/mobilizations, massage therapy, laser and stretching.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Liza

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