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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Back and Neck Injury > Posture
9/23 17:33:08

What exercise(s) can I do to improve my posture..I am Male, 45, my head/neck slopes forward..very noticable in pictures...


Most of what counts for bad posture is due to FLEXION DOMINANCE, meaning everything we do: writing, computing, exercising, sleeping, cooking, is in a flexed position.   Reversing this means working out the back muscles, called the extensors.  Lifting your chest to the ceiling is job # 1, and will get you out of most problems.  Lifting your computer monitor so that the center is above eye level will help, as that will fire off these extensors.  Wall angels (look it up on Google) are awesome, as are door stretches, where you stretch you pecs out.  Laying over a physio ball will help, as well.  

Lastly, and most importantly... GO SEE A CHIROPRACTOR!!  This really is something that we are uniquely trained to help with.   Go to to find someone close, or if you are in Seattle, come downtown and see me here.

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