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construction job cuasing pain
9/23 17:32:19

Hello i thought i was in pretty good shape i workout 6 days a week but i recently started working construction and use proper lifts and i  am still having back pain im only 21 also if i do a twisting move with an extended arm like throwing a discuss i feel like a nerve is being pinched in my spine do these mean my core is weak is it cause im so new my body hasn't adapted what can i do to improve on this and prevent pain even sitting to long causes low back pain any advice helps

Sounds like you might be suffering from a lumbar disc problem, and disc bulges or herniations can even affect people with strong core muscles. McKenzie exercises (spinal extension) exercises can help stabilize and strengthen the lumbar spine and would be a good start. Find a good chiropractor in your area to get an evaluation. Taking time off to let any injuries heal, physiotherapy, NSAIDs, massage, spinal manipulation, and using a lumbar support while lifting are also some options to consider.  

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