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elbow pain
9/23 17:23:09

Question name is tim and I hope i selected the correct health topic for asking this question.  I have developed a pian in my elbows over the past several months.  I have seen the doctor about it a few months ago and he told me that I am sufferring from tendonitis.  The doc gave me pain meds and I wear a brace.  At first, I only felt the pain while working but the pain is there almost continuously now if i dont take the meds.  Is there another way to stop the pain caused from tendonitis?  Will stronger muscle tissue help reduce the strain on tendons and ligaments?  

Dear Tim,  It sounds to me like you have a REAL problem here...
If this were plain ol' tendinitis, with rest, brace and proper treatment (ice, then heat, and medication like Advil, Motrin or Aleve) this condition should have only lasted a few days, NOT MONTHS......  You definately must NOT overextend this elbow with undo exercise etc....

I also strongly suggest that you get to an Orthopedic doctor so that this specialist can look at your elbow and make sure you do NOT have a torn tendon which could and often does act this way....  The only exercise you should be doing is "IF" the Orthopedic doctor tells you to attend physical therapy and then the therapist will develope the exercises you need to improve your elbow and the tendon, IF it is a tendon problem....

See this web site

Thank you,   karen

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