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Restless leg syndrome?
9/26 8:44:30

I have an uncontrollable shaking in my legs. Sometimes I'm sitting at work and I have to move my legs. More often, during the evening, I have an uncontrollable urge to move my legs when I'm required to sit still such as evening church or evening classes. I get plenty of sleep (8-9 hours) and have good iron levels. Fortunately it rarely bothers me while I'm sleeping. Is this all a part of restless leg syndrome?

You are most likely suffering from a nervous system condition.  If the nerves are impinged between your brain and your legs then this is a possible result.  The only way to truly get to the bottom of this is to get checked by an Upper Cervical Doctor of Chiropractic.
If you give me more information such as your location, I can see if I can recommend someone to you.

Dr Arnone
St Louis, MO

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