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severe back ,hip,leg pain
9/26 8:52:47

hi dr. victor. i have a herniated disk in my lower back. it showed on mri a few years back. dr's aren't helping. my back feels stiff and i am never out of pain. i am not able to hardly stand the pain long enough to even make my breakfast cereal. lately my rt. leg have been having severe pain and a deep burning pain. yesterday when i touched my leg, it didn't feel real. i have diabetes but don't take meds. dr's told me one time i have nuropathy in my legs. today my foot a a tiny bit larger then the other and my leg feels still  and tight. i am very low in vit d. dr. wants me to take 50,000 units vit d. i am paranoid of meds because of severe reactions. my vit d level is 10. any suggestions would be soo very welcomed. i take nothing for pain, i just tough it out. i feel on my tail bone yrs ago and damaged that, plus i have gained a lot of weight. i hope you can help. thank you and blessings.

Herniated disc, back pain, back stiff, leg pain, diabetes, neuropathy, vitamin D, medication reactions,

Hello Loraina,

Sorry to hear of your predicament.

You have multiple problems, so there is no easy answer.

You have complicated, progressed problems, so there is no quick answer.

It has taken you years to get to this point, it will certainly take you months to get well.

Do not be discouraged, the human body is amazing and healing, given the right ingredients will occur.  The younger you are the faster you heal, the older we are,,,,, unfortunately the slower we heal.

I am surprised that your Doctor of Chiropractic has not helped the herniated disc, back pain, sciatic pain.
I am sure your Doctor of Chiropractic has performed standard Xrays of your entire spine, MRI of appropriate areas, perhaps even EMG/ncv for neurological evaluation.

Depending upon the outcome of the Xrays, MRI, EMG, various chiropractic techniques could be utilized by your doctor.  Standard in-office conscious spinal adjustment with adjunctive physiotherapy has probably already been utilized.  Perhaps in-office noninvasive spinal decompression could be utilized on that herniated disc.  Has your chiropractor tried the decompression route yet?  I highly recommend it for your back pains, sciatica and herniated disc.

Along with the in-office disc decompression, perhaps your doctor could perform a spinal manipulation under anesthesia (MUA) procedure upon you.  This is another advanced chiropractic technique that could be helpful to your back and leg pains caused by the disc herniation.

Both of these protocols are excellent.  Safe, effective, cost effective- these techniques will certainly cost you less then a surgical/ hospital co-pay would, be very safe, and noninvasive.  Both of these approaches have a protocol over several weeks to two- three months of rehabilitation.

While undergoing the above for the neuro-musculo-skeletal complaints; you should tackle your diabetes, neuropathy, and weight.  Weight loss will help your diabetes, which will help the neuropathy.

You say you are diabetic, but do not take any medication ?
Have you had blood tests like hemoglobin A-1-C ?- this can measure how much damage may be going on over time.

While you are undergoing the herniated disc/ sciatic protocol, perhaps your Doctor of Chiropractic can help you nutritionally to lose weight, control your diabetes, lessen your neuropathy.

ALL of these aspects take time and commitment from you.  You the patient have to work in tandem with your doctors to heal your body.  You cannot just lay your problems at your doctors feet,,, you have to work with your doctor to get well.

The vitamin D level, it is on the low end, but different labs use different normative ranges.  As a Chiropractor I am biased towards supplements, herbs, vitamins.  Vitamin D is not a medication and your prejudice against medication should be tempered with the knowledge that vitamin D is a vitamin.  If your doctor feels it is indicated,,,, give it a try.

Here is some information I utilize in my Staten Island Chiropractic office that may help you:

Lower  Back  Pain  (LBP):          Low  Back  Pain  can be caused by many different things.  Big, BAD, catastrophic things like a tumor or a cancer can cause low back pain (only a proper exam by a licensed doctor, like your Doctor of Chiropractic, or your family Doctor of Medicine, can evaluate your signs and symptoms, and perhaps refer for testing).  Big, bad things like a Herniated Disc, sciatica, possible fracture or dislocation can cause LBP (again, best evaluated by your DC or MD, and perhaps referral).  Bad things, like  - Sprains, Strains, contusion, or Vertebral Subluxation Complex (all very efficiently diagnosed and treated by your Doctor Of Chiropractic.  LBP can come from a motor vehicle accident, sport injury, slip, trip, fall, arthritis, lifting improperly, or even bad posture in standing, sitting or sleeping.  All of these things often have a Lumbar (Low Back) Vertebral Subluxation involved.
              Vertebral   Subluxation   Complex    (a.k.a.  憇ubluxation?
The vertebral subluxation complex is the underlying cause of many healthcare problems.
A subluxation interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system (the master system which controls and coordinates all function within the body) and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.

This is a serious condition identified by its five parts:
    Spinal Kinesiopathology:
         This is fancy way of saying the bones of the spine have lost their normal motion and position. It restricts your ability to turn and bend. It sets in motion the other four components.
         Improper spinal function can choke, stretch, or irritate delicate nerve tissue. The resulting nerve system dysfunction can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.
          Muscles supporting the spine can weaken, atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. The resulting scar tissue changes muscle tone, requiring repeated spinal adjustments.
         A rise in temperature from an increase in blood and lymph supplies result in swelling and inflammation. Discs can bulge, herniate, tear, or degenerate. Other soft tissues may suffer permanent damage.
         Bone spurs and other abnormal bony growths attempt to fuse malfunctioning spinal joints. This spinal decay, scar tissue, and long-term nerve dysfunction can cause other systems of the body to malfunction.

The Vertebral Subluxation Complex describes what happens when spinal bones lose their normal movement patterns and position.
         Automobile accidents, improper lifting, improper posture, alcohol, emotional stress, chemical imbalances, and long periods of sitting can cause the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
          Vertebral  Subluxation  cannot be corrected through chemicals (medicine), stretching, yoga, vitamins or physical therapy alone.  Subluxation- a neuro/skeletal/muscular- mechanical-  problem requires a mechanical   correction-  -  -    a manipulation,     best performed with the chiropractic adjustment.


Disk   Herniation

Herniated  disk  is  actually  a  quite  common  condition.   However,  the course of the condition is highly variable.   Some patients with a herniated disk literally cannot walk, yet other patients with similar MRI findings may be able to run marathons or lift heavy weights.   Some people suffer for only a few days with pain and symptoms, some people suffer for months. Although the course is highly variable, there are certain steps that are always helpful to follow:  Ice the area when painful-  10/ 15minutes on, 30/ 45 minutes off;  avoid certain postures and movements;  bend the knees when coughing or sneezing;  bend the knees when lifting anything;  do not extend legs straight out when sitting, laying down, lifting, or driving.   Avoiding certain movements and postures will prevent aggravation of the condition.   Practicing good postures and movement patterns will help the condition heal and be less painful.
Disk  Herniation  is often caused by, or often  concurrent with the Vertebral Subluxation Complex.
         Vertebral   Subluxation   Complex    (a.k.a.  憇ubluxation?
The vertebral subluxation complex is the underlying cause of many healthcare problems.
A subluxation interferes with the proper functioning of the nervous system (the master system which controls and coordinates all function within the body) and may cause various other conditions, symptoms and problems.

Subluxation  is  a  serious  condition  identified  by  its  five  parts:
    Spinal Kinesiopathology:
         This is fancy way of saying the bones of the spine have lost their normal motion and position. It restricts your ability to turn and bend. It sets in motion the other four components.
         Improper spinal function can choke, stretch, or irritate delicate nerve tissue. The resulting nerve system dysfunction can cause symptoms elsewhere in the body.
          Muscles supporting the spine can weaken, atrophy, or become tight and go into spasm. The resulting scar tissue changes muscle tone, requiring repeated spinal adjustments.
         A rise in temperature from an increase in blood and lymph supplies result in swelling and inflammation. Discs can bulge, herniate, tear, or degenerate. Other soft tissues may suffer permanent damage.
         The VSC contributes to OsteoArthritic degeneration.  Bone spurs and other abnormal bony growths attempt to fuse malfunctioning spinal joints. This spinal decay, scar tissue, and long-term nerve dysfunction can cause other systems of the body to malfunction.

The Vertebral Subluxation Complex describes what happens when spinal bones lose their normal movement patterns and position.  When subluxated, joints are in a stressed, vulnerable, compromised condition.  Subluxation may cause Arthritis, Disk Herniation, or aggravate such conditions.   
          Vertebral  Subluxation  cannot be corrected through chemicals (medicine), stretching, yoga, vitamins or physical therapy alone.     Subluxation- a neuro/skeletal/muscular-   mechanical-   problem  requires  a   mechanical correction-  -  -    a manipulation,     best performed with the chiropractic adjustment.


I hope this helps, bring up these suggestions to your Doctor of Chiropractic.

Wishing you good luck and Good Health Naturally, this is your Staten Island Chiropractor signing off.

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC DACBSP   (email newsletter)  

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