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neck problems
9/23 17:31:59

Eight years ago I had neck surgery c4/5 5/6 they were herniated, I had screws put in, I know I have arthritis, but I have started having problems again. Ex-rays show that there is a narrowing at c4/5 & 5/6, I am to have an MRI next week, the doctor said that my hardware is fine. So what does this mean? Is this just something that happens or have I some how messed my neck up again?

Lawrence Gold Somatics
Lawrence Gold Somatics  

Hanna Somatic Education
Hanna Somatic Educatio  
Hi, Kay,

It means that the surgery addressed only part of the problem -- the after effects, not the cause.

Arthritis in the neck isn't a disease from external causes; it comes from tight neck muscles causing overcompression of the neck vertebrae, narrowing and disc herniation -- and that can't be addressed by surgery.

So, you didn't "mess your neck up, again" and it isn't something that "just happened"; it's that the underlying problem was never handled.

I've written on neck conditions:


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