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compressed spine
9/23 17:36:48

my 21-year-old son has been having periodic low back pain for at least a year now.  Doctor sent him for x-ray and now they want to do an MRI.  They said it wasn't ominous but that his spine was compressed between two vertebras and usually they don't see this at his age.  They asked if he had any injuries to his back, etc.  I'm worried about it but feel he is too young for spinal stenosis.  What could it be and could it hurt if he doesn't get the MRI?

At This point he does not NEED an MRI, but he does need an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor of Chiropractic.  You see, there is a reason that his spine is already showing degeneration and that will only get worse if he does not get it corrected properly and right away.  An Upper Cervical Doctor will locate and correct the cause of his health condition and allow his body to once again function properly and get well.
If you would like a referral to a specialist in your area, simply send me your town and state and I will reply with the contact information of a Doctor that can help your son.
Don't worry he is going to be OK, take a breath.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone

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