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syatica, relfex responce
9/23 17:37:56

QUESTION: hi ive had syatic for 2 years better now but slight numing to foot thing is i dont have a reflex responce and my works doctor thinks the worst now managment are trying to sack me on his assumption that i have an underlying medical condition so they are being cautiouse, when i think of it i must say i never did have much of a reponce to knee and ankle taps can someone not have reflex responce and have a happy live do you have to have one [email protected] bye dom i rearly need an answer i need some ammo to get back to them tralled the net for ages now

ANSWER: Hi dom,

Having no reflex means nothing, having a big one on one side and none on the other means a pinched nerve or other condition. So, no, it means nothing!


Sciatica is curable quite easily with the right table and Chiropractor, 2-6 weeks and it's gone in most cases.

Here is proof.

Google flexion/distraction and see for yourself.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi and thanks for that it will help me a lot , but is there a site which i can read on the lack of reflex reation i have scanned over the net and cannot find anything and if you have any in depth on the subject can u e mail it to me [email protected]

Sorry Dom,

unless you want to spend 13 years in college understanding the nervous system to the point where your a neurologist, I can only tell you how to Google such a thing since there are an infinite amount of potential causes of no reflexes (areflexia).

Search this

etiological agents for areflexia

This is the proper medical terminology for such a thing.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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