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ankle and foot pain
9/21 15:08:39

I changed jobs in July. I am now working in a hotel which requires lots of walking. I have developped a hard growth on the inside under my ankle bone giving the appearance of double ankle bone. I have a lot of pain at night expecially shooting pain in the arch my foot.I have now the symptoms for five months and the swelling seems to be getting bigger. I have been to my GP and seem to be living on Voltarol. There is no fracture.


You may have developed a cyst of the ankle, often known as a Ganglion cyst.  When a cyst or other mass grows in this area it may compress on one of the major foot nerves and lead to shooting pain into the foot. The major nerve into the foot runs behind the ankle in an area known as the Tarsal tunnel.  Medication is not the answer. You need other diagnostic testing.

I would recommend that you see a Podiatrist that treats ankles and you really need to have an MRI exam to identify the problem.  This will not show on an ankle or foot x-ray. It is not considered normal to have an enlargement in this area of the ankle.

Please have it treated by a specialist.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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