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Compartment Syndrome
9/21 15:08:29

I have been diagnosed with compartment syndrome in 2004 in both my shins. I subsequently underwent an operation in 2005 to release the pressure on the right leg. However following that I was supposed to go in and have my left leg operated on. unfortunately I moved from the UK to Canada and as it only hurt when I ran it wasn't of high importance.

Since then I have settled into my new life and starting to venture into sports and going to the gym again. The problem hasn't gone away, I get huge bubbles rise along the surface of my shin within 5 minutes of being on the running machine...not to mention extreme pain.

I am 26 and prone to push myself too hard, that is how I was told this condition started. However I would like to know if there are any treatments/medications I can take or exercises that can help this problem without going for surgery?...also how serious is it if I just leave it alone?

I appreciate any help or advice


I would consider custom orthotic devices, stretches and physical therapy prior to any surgery.
Some people get relief by wrapping their legs with a compression bandage and ice after a workout.
Compartment syndrome of the leg can worsen and cause chronic pain and possibly get severe enough where it would be difficult to work out.  Also, you can develop tearing of the soft tissues which can increase the pain.

Good Luck.


Marc Katz, DPM
Tampa, FL
Advanced Podiatry

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