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chest pain because of spine surgury?
9/26 10:26:21

About 6 years ago I got into a car accident that caused an L-5 burst fracture. Lately (about the last year or so) I've been experiencing numbness in my arms and legs and chest pains all over my chest. I was wondering if the pain could be related to some kind of nerve damage from the 4 pins that are in my back or how my spine fused back together.

I don't believe that the low back injury and fusion would be causing the chest pains and arm numbness unless the fusion has made you shift your upper body to an unnatural position.  The low back is more likely the cause of leg numbness.  You should have your doctor check out your upper and lower back for any injury or pinched nerves.  

Chest pain and arm numbness can also be signs of heart problems.  I suggest that you see your physician to rule that out.

Thanks for your question, Noah. I hope that my answer was helpful.

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