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spinal canal stenosis
9/26 10:25:53

I am a 61 year old male and I have been in pain from nerve compression for 18 months.  I have researched the best Neurosurgeon in Australia and he has recommended a lumbar laminectomy at the L4/5 and possibly a fusion using titanium screws.  I have exercised and stretched daily for the last 18 months but it has got progressively worse and is now quite disabling.  The MRI shows no space in the spinal canal and when I went for CT assisted steroid injection they could only get a very small needle in and the last injection seemed to make it worse not better.  I am continuing to work as a CPA and I can still function as long as my mind is on the work.  What do you think I should do?

Hi Robert,

If you didn't wait so long you could have got it fixed non-surgically with flexion/distraction. There still is a slight chance it will work, Goggle it and find a practitioner near you, hr may be able to help. otherwise, laminectomy seems to be your only option.

Good Luck!

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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