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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spine Surgery > Sciatica
9/26 10:26:11

QUESTION: Hi there,
I wonder if you can help me.  I had some of my disc removed last year after having a herniated disc.  I was in so much pain I am numb on most of my left side although but much more relief from pain.  However in the last few months if I am standing or walking too much I get a horrible pain in my bum to the point it brings me to tears.  It also hurts during and after trying to go for a number 2 toilet.  What do you recommend? I have asked for a referral back to the surgeon but there is a 13 week wait to date and the letter was sent 2 months ago.
Many thanks

ANSWER: My recommendation would be exactly what you have done.  Make an appointment to see your surgeon.  He will probably want new films, etc. to see what's going on.  It's impossible to say what's happening for certain although it definitely sounds like a pinched nerve.  It could be related to your old disc damage, it could be another disc, or it could be something at the point where the nerve leaves the vertebra.  Only a visit to your doctor will tell for sure.

In the meantime, I suggest slow stretching to help ease the muscle tension in the area.  Many times, the muscles being so tight in the injured area actually adds to the pain.  Yoga is a nice way to keep the muscles loose.

Thank you for the question, Jo.  I hope that my answer helps you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Many thanks for your reply.  Thats much appreciated and makes sense.
If it is a pinched nreve what treatment would be used to rectify this pain?
Many thanks for your time.

Without knowing exactly what's causing the problem, it's not possible to say what the preferred treatment would be.  It could be some type of physical therapy or it might be additional surgery.  The first thing to do is to find out what the underlying problem is.  Continue slow stretching to help relieve the muscle tension in the area until you get to the doctor.

Thank you for your follow-up question, Jo.  I hope that my answer was helpful.

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