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Shoulder tendenitis and Cervical Spine
9/26 10:25:57

QUESTION: I am working for the US Postal Service for more than six years as a Letter Carrier. I am 60 years old, and one year ago, I started feeling a slight pain on my left shoulder. The X-Ray showed a calcified tendenitis in my left shoulder, and the findings in my cervical spine: " disk space narrowing and anterior and posterior arches the progression lower cervical segments. Bilateral facet degenerative changes. Foraminal encroachment identified in the lower cervical segments particular C5-6 and C6-7. No acute findings". Besides that I feel numbness and tingling in my lef arm, but it doesn't go to the fingers. The problem is caused by performing my work (sometimes I have to carry more than 20 pounds for more than six hours) or due the aging process? Or both? Please advise. Thanks.


I would go to a Chiropractor that utilizes towel traction, this will enlarge and rehydrate the discs and eliminate any bulges. The spurs may end up having to be removed by a neurosurgeon if they end up being the sole cause of your problems. I sincerely doubt it though, give the traction a try for a few weeks and see.

Dr. Durnin

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Dr. Durnin,
Thanks for your answer, but my major concern is about the cause of my problem. Is it related to my job or due the aging process? Or both? Or my work agravated my condition?

I'm sorry Qin, it is likely do to both. We see a lot of postal carriers in our office presenting with the same things you have so it must be related. Age eventually does the same thing, it just is accelerated with your type of job. Get a DC to do the towel traction and mobilization with GS and MSM and you will stay ahead of many potential issues.

Dr. Durnin

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