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Embryonic Stem cell research and Spinal Cord Injury
9/26 9:49:21

Dr. McKinzie,

I read about how stem cell research can fix spinal cord injuries . I would like to ask  you couple questions:
1. Is embryonic stem cell the only type of stem cells can be used for SCI ?  
2. Do the embryonic stem cells need to have the same genetic material as the patient ?  or randomly from any avalable donation ?    

I'm looking forward to your answer.

Thank you


Hi Julie,
Thanks so much for your questions.

First of all, I am not a doctor. I suffered a spinal cord injury in 1977 and throughout the years, I've gained a lot of experience and knowledge of the spinal cord.

As far as I know, embryonic stem cell research is just that...research. No one has ever had the affects of their spinal cord injury reversed due to the use of embryonic stem cells. If they had, nearly every person with an SCI would line up to have the procedure done.

If and when there is a procedure developed, it won't matter about the genetic makeup. Using stem cells is not like using a donated organ.

Personally, I don't want embryonic stem cell research to go any further. It's a question of morals. Did you know there is stem cells available from adults? In fact, research is being done using stem cells from baby's teeth to use in growing teeth and bones. There is many other sources for stem cells other human embryos.

Research needs to exhaust every area of stem cell research before using stem cells from human embryos. Because there is a potential of abuse in gathering embryonic stem cells, I don't feel that's an avenue research needs to travel.

I would feel horrible if I found out that my paralysis was reversed using stem cells from a terminated human life for my personal gain. That baby deserves life just as much as, if not more than, I do.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie

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