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spinal stenosis
9/26 9:49:49

a neurologist just dx me with spinal stenosis after reviewing an mri and examining me. the mri also showed bulging discs and narrowed spaces and a lot of stuff i dont understand too well.  i was referred to this md after experiencing severe rt. leg pain from the buttocks to the ankle. tingling and much difficulty in ambulating and changing position while supine. im 61 years old and have had IDDM for only 8 years.  i want to know about the best and usual course of action in tx for this sudden onset of these symptoms.  how can i learn more about this condition?

Hi, I'm not very familiar with spinal stenosis but you can find out more about it by searching the internet and using "spinal stenosis" as your key words.  Try this site below. Cut and paste it into your browser if you need to.

Thank you,
Jerry C.
[email protected]
ICQ# 2427884
My Spinal Cord Injury Web Site:

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