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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Spinal Cord Injury > c1
9/26 9:49:15

Dear Sir,
im asking this question in regards of having a malrotation of my c1 vertebrae, ive had a chiropractor fix it atleast the pain of that enough?ive read some bad stuff on here about it and would like to know, also id like to include the fact that this did happen at work and when i went to the workmens comp dr she said it was a neck strain kinda of a "broad" generalisation id say when i lyed down in the middle of our conversation she said are you sure your just not tired? wasnt sent for an xray or anything she handed me a slip that said return to work no limitations one would think that it would be mandatory for atleast an xray for a neck injury anyways 2 days passed of me calling in sick cause of severe headaches and vomiting cause in this state were not allwoed to seek treatment for the same injury by another doctor if were being treated by a workmans comp doctor.
thank god i did anyways"couldnt take the pain"...sorry for venting guess my only question is is a chiropractor enough for this injury,not knocking chiroprators at all for he is a godsend to me.

Hi Arnold,
Thanks so much for your question.

It's just my opinion but I don't trust Chiropractors to treat someone with spinal problems. Because the nervous system is so complex, anything can and has happened when someone other than a doctor treats spinal conditions. I'm not saying doctors don't make mistakes because they do but I'd rather trust a doctor rather than a chiropractor.

That said, my recommendation is see neurologist. It sounds like it was more than just a "neck sprain." The fact that you were experiencing severe headaches and vomiting leads me to believe there is much more going on. Of course, I'm not a doctor and I could be wrong.

There is a category here at you can lookup and ask an expert about your rights under workman's comp.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie  

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