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what will i not be able to do
9/26 9:49:13

I fractured my C2 about 4 months ago.  I just finished up physical therapy.  I was wondering what I will not be able to do.  My dream was to be in some kind of law enforcement.  My doctor told me I probably wont be able to bungee jump or skydive for the rest of my life.  Does that also mean I will not be able to become a cop?  

Hi Rob,
Thanks so much for your question.

I really can't tell you what you may or may not do. It sounds like, from what your doctor told you, he doesn't want you taking unecessary chances while participating in risky activities.

As far as a career in law enforcement, I have no idea what kind of physical requirements you must meet. You shouldn't be discouraged if you are turned down by the police academy for example.

There many areas of law enforcement you could pursue like forensics. A degree in criminal science will open a lot of doors. If you know someone in law enforcement, you could talk to them or go to your local police department for information. You could also contact the FBI, CIA and/or the Treasury Department about careers in law enforcement.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me anytime.

Thanks again,
John McKinzie

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