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wound care
9/26 9:48:16

I have had a wound on my left ankle right on top of the bone for 3 years. I went to a PT for almost 2 years it got to the point where it was almost healed. Now it is not as bad as it was the start of 3 years ago but still it can go from the size of a nickle to the size of tack head .I try going with bandage and neosporn and try nothing at all. No way is working any ideas anybody? Thanks

hi tim-

do you have shoes or something that are rubbing this spot?

here's the info i've accumulated having had a couple of pressure sores:
-yes, use neosporin or other antibiotic goo, keep covered
-get something spongey, like a make-up sponge, and put it between your spot and anything that might cause pressure on it (inside sock maybe?)
-keep foot elevated when you can. my feet get swollen without all the muscles to pump fluid back up, and it is much harder to heal places with bad circulation

if its still not at least getting better in a couple weeks then i'd call a rehab doctor and ask who they recommend for looking at it. sometimes these wounds (if indeed from pressure) will tunnel inwards and can become a real drag to heal, as well as dangerous potential for infections.

if this doesn't tell you anything new, try here:

you can ask questions about anything at all related to disability

good luck

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