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Burning spine
9/26 9:47:54

I was on 60 mg methadone for 6 years and Norco, 8 a day for 10 years. 95 days ago I took my last dose of methadone and have had a burning spine since. I conferred with my pain specialist last week whom conferred with two other specialists and they don't know what is causing the burning spine. My doctor told me not to d/c the Norco until the methadone wd symptoms subside. I am taking clonidine every 3 hours. I think the burning is from still having opiates in my system but my doctor thinks is a spinal problem masked by the methadone and now wants me to spend money I dont have getting tested by my MD. Have you heard of the burning spine as a wd symptom upon d/c of methadone? Thanks so much, Jan

Hi Janice,

I do not know the answer to your question. But I did find the following web site that has a bunch of possible causes for spine burning. I hope this helps. I can't imagine how difficult that must be on you. If you need more information I would be willing to find more for you.


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