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c6 quadraplegia
9/26 9:49:46

Hi John..thank you so much for responding.
My fiance, Dan, as I spoke of in my previous letter, is a c6 incomplete..We were robbed at gunpoint 9 wks ago in our home, he was shot in the neck. His doctor says he believes that it was the shock wave from the bullet that did the damage, the cord was not severed only bruised. Does this give him a better chance of recovery? Also, he was not insured at the time of injury, we are middle class people, young he is 29, he is a sole proprietor in his own business which he must sell to qualify for any state funded "welfare", this will take some time to meet these requirements..He is currently recieving in home therapy funded by United Way it is short term, I am also his attendant, is there any therapy I could do to help him get stronger? He has tricep traces, occ therapists says she feels his fingers firring, traces of stomach muscles. he moved his foot once or twice and raised his knees a bit one day.He at this stage is completely dependent. He really wants to transfer on his own. Any suggestions? Or even about insurance or rehabs
Thank you so much for your time.
Best of luck to you also

Hi Morgan,
Thanks so much for your follow-up queries.

If his cord is only bruised, then this gives him a much better chance to regain motor and sensory. BUT remember, the amount of return will be determinded on how badly bruised the cord is.

Keep working with the therapist and find out from them the exercise techniques. Like I said earlier, his injury is relatively new and still in shock. Keeping him limber is essential for any movement he may regain as the shock wears off. Plus, exercise will help gradually strengthen whatever muscles begin to return.

He is now considered a C6 Quadriplegic and should qualify for SSDI [Social Security Disability Insurance] and possibily SSI [Supplemental Security Income] through Medicare. I'm almost positive about SSDI.

If you need more help, PLEASE, don't hesitate to ask.  If you would like to email me directly with any questions, write me at [email protected]. I would like very much to know how his progress is coming along and you can also ask me more questions at any time.

John McKinzie

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