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pain, pain, pain
9/26 9:30:18

I have suffered with low back pain for over twenty years.  Getting anyone to believe that my pain is severe and dibilitating has been a constant struggle.  In the last few years, it has progressed to the point where I am always aware of it.  Sleeping is a nightmare, getting out of the bed is even worse.  I know through previous testing that I now have sacrilization at L5-S1 (the last radiologist reported that I didn't even have an L5!), I have subluxation and scoliosis, a disc herniation at L4-L5, and spondylosis.  The herniated disc at L5-S1 has apparently disappeared seeing as I have no L5 anymore.  It's all so frustratng!  All they ever want to do is take the same x-rays and MRI's over and over, with different results every time. They prescribe things like soma (If I sleep that long I have to have help to get out of the bed), salisylic acid(sp?), anaprox (you can get that OTC), and motrin (ditto).  Excedrin works some but 1/2 a vicodin and two excedrin or goody powder works better, nothing works at night. I take so much OTC medicine that God forbid I should bump myself, the bruise bleeds for days!  God forbid my dogs should jump on me. I have now resorted to seedy drug deals by my friendly neighborhood crack-head in order to get some refief from the pain!  What kills me is how an obvious drug addict can get pain medication but I can't.  How do all these people get scripts for vicodin, lortab, etc., just to get high when I need something for real honest to God pain?  It's wrecking my life.  I've lost jobs and am currently employed only part time by a friend.  I can't work effectively because of chronic pain and sleep deprivation.  The good news is my nerves are apparently so damaged that I no longer have sciatica. Maybe the whole sciatic nerve went the same way as L5... My pain is across the entire posterior pelvic area centered around my sacrum.  I also discovered on a recent x-ray, that my left hip is 2/3 out of the socket.  That is only now beginning to bother me when I walk.  Sounds like I'm 70-something, huh?  I'm a 44 year old female, skydiving, treeclimbing, Army medic....well, I use to be:(


Sorry to hear of your trouble.

Muscular contractions commonly cause the host of complaints you describe.  Medical professionals commonly miss the link because they are not trained in the viewpoint that would highlight it enough for them to notice it.

Please see the articles on back pain at  They answer your questions and provide recourse.

Pain meds only hide the problem, but do not arrest the progression of degenerative conditions.

However, I think the option I am providing for you will give you what you need in a relatively short period of time.

with regard,
Lawrence Gold

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