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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Pain Management > personal
9/26 9:30:09

hi there, my problem is in my anus whenever i eat potato or meat like
things after1 or two hours i feel just right side of my anus  feel pain  
and some time i feel completely fine but if i press it then i may feel
light pain and i dont have any problem during bowel and i have shown my
self to alot of doctors they examined me by finger and digital camera
they say nothing is there and one thing more that this problem starts
from 1 and half years before when doctors operated me in case of peri
anal abcess they just drained but i stll feel pain in my right side anal
and these abcess was also due to doctors  cause while examing me they
entered  wrong instruments due to which abcess made so plz help me what
it can be ? i will be very thank ful to u .  

Hi Kamran and thanks for writing,

It's really hard for me to guess, but if the doctors have examined you and say your rectum is clear then I have to believe them. All I can think is that perhaps you have some scar tissue which is sensitive, or perhaps there is some sort of pressure on a nerve, perhaps from scar tissue.

Normally my first thought would be hemmoroids, but obviously doctors would spot those easily. One other thing may be a fungus - you could try an Anti-fungal treatment which you could pick up at any Health Food Store; this is good for most people and certainly wouldn't hurt and may help your problem.

My last suggestion is to go see a good Homeopath and get tested for food allergies and intolerances. I wonder if you are reacting to certain foods as you describe your pain as following an hour or so after you ingest certain foods.

I hope this helps and I wish you good health,


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