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headache in back of head
9/26 9:29:38

      I'm a 22 yr old healthy male.  I woke up tuesday morning at 6 am, which was 2 days ago. I was sleeping on the couch and I woke up and moved my head and I felt something like pop on the back of my head, immediately after that I just had a bad headache. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't so I got up and then I started feeling nausau's and then I got worried and looked up what it could be and found anuerysms, so this made me really worried so i went to the ER, and told them about it they just talked to me and I told them what happen so they gave me some pain medicine and it worked a little so i went home, then later it started hurting again.  It's been like that since, it will come on gradually as the day goes on and sometimes with sharp shooting pains in that same spot in the back of my head. It won't go away and I havent had much of an appetite since this started. Everytime I try to eat I feel like I'm going to throw up.  I went back to the walk in clinic yesterday and they just listened to me and gave me some more medicine and sent me on my way, I guess the only thing that would put me at peace of mind would be a ct scan of the head to look for anything serious.  what do you think this could be?

Hi, Michael,

If it weren't for the "pop," I would think it could be any number of things; I think the pop was a vertebrae being pulled out of position by a muscle going into spasm.  If you were my client, I would be looking for contracted muscles at the base of your head connecting to your uppermost neck vertebrae.

Headaches and shooting pains could be expected from that kind of situation.

Please see my article on headaches at

with regard,
Lawrence Gold  

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