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migraine relief
9/26 9:28:59

i am a junior in high school and have been getting very intense migraines for
the past month.  i have tried taking excedrine migraine (used to work),
tylenol, and imitrex. none have yet worked and i would like to know if
anybody had any ideas on what i shoud do. i am a very active girl and cant
handle having migraines everyday.  i am part of different sports and run many
clubs.  i have had MRI 's and CT's but nothing has shown up as a factor.  i am
a vegetarian for about 2 years ad my parents feel that this is a reason why
they have been so bad in the past month.  my doctor tells me that an average
person is suppoed to have a headache about 2 or 3 times a month.  this
month i have had about 25 headaches. one for each day  i would greatly
appreciate it if someone could provide any insight for me on my problem.

thank you, sarah

The disturbance in the geo rhythm might have  caused you this problem. just smear Indian ayurvedic ointment "AMRUTANJAN"  to the affected area in the night and do 3doem meditation for 5 minutes twice a a day using 3d oem chart. you can find the 3d oem chart in your local book store. more about 3d oem you can find at

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