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choosing a chiropractor and my symptoms
9/26 9:02:47

Dr. Burnham,

I recently seeked the services of a chiropractor since I began to have pain in my right SI joint (sacariliac) with intermittent nerve pain only to right buttock/lower back area (none in leg) regular MD x-rays showed mild arthritis in SI and said I have inflammation...told me to take ibuprofin and maybe physical therapy later...the chiropractor after a full series of spinal x-rays suggests that I have lost curvature of my neck area (C1-C5)with some spurring at C5.  He also said that my illium bones have shifted and they need to be manipulated back using the ligaments.  He is suggesting visits every day for one week, then several weeks of e visits each then less often for up to one year to correct all problems.  I'm concerned since I only have pain in the SI area and really nowhere else except for occacional lower back pain if I am overworking it....also, can you comment on how choose a reliable, competent chiropractor or if I even need one.  thanks.

people have a lot of strange ideas of what chiropractic is and what it is for. the truth of it is simple. it is about correcting the cause of nerve interference. period. in order to correct the cause of nerve interference PRECISE ADJUSTMENT of the misalignment causing it (in the UPPER NECK) must be performed, based on each patient's SPECIFIC need. notice i did not say "manipulation". the other stuff you talked about, the si joint, the mid-neck athritis, etc., are only EFFECTS of a COMMON CAUSE. the only hope anyone has of regaining their health is by CORRECTING THE CAUSE of their health problem. simple. the person practicing true chiropractic is like an ELECTRICIAN, not a mechanic. the mechanical aspect is only for the purpose of CORRECTING THE SHORT-CIRCUIT. you do need a chiropractor. i recommend you seek an HIO METHOD chiropractor. i would accept no substitutes.

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