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chiropractic/orthopedic tests
9/26 9:02:03

Can you please help me with the spelling of some tests that were performed by a chiropractor.  She said because of the patient's inability to perform the straight leg raise test she did not do the Braggert's test. Also the fabere test was positive. The Bectaruse test was negative.  

I'm a court reporter so I'm spelling these phonetic, please help.

Thank you.

Off the top of my head...

FABERE (It's an acronym...full name is usually Patrick-FABERE)  and Bechterew's is the spelling of the last one. (They're all old dead people's names.) I'm not sure of the first I said I'm anwering this question off the top of my head, really quick and I don't have time to look it up right now. You may be able to plug these that I've given you into an online medical reference (tests are the same DC to MD to orthopod, etc) like or do a google search...try "Ask Jeeves" dictionary too. Just some ideas. OR...go to a library and see if there are any orthopedic texts, depending on where you are....

Hope this helps, and I'll give it some more time tomorrow or later this week if I can.

Dr. Schell

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