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treatment for curved neck and back pain
9/26 8:45:22


neck picture
Hi, i m 25 years old and my shoulders are not leveled. There is also a curve in my neck due to which there is also a pain in my back. Can u please guide how it can be cured.Do i need an operation? Will it be successful?


First and foremost I am assuming the picture you sent is just a picture and not your true xray. Please correct me if I am incorrect in assuming this as that xray is a near perfect xray and denotes the lordotic curve that should be present in the neck area.

If you have neck pain and uneven shoulders then you will need to seek an examination by a Chiropractor to see if you have any pinched nerves from Subluxation of your neck and or upper back vertebrae. If you have pinched nerves then chiropractic is warranted. This may help with the uneven shoulders in two ways less muscle spasm and correction of a bio mechanical fault.

It is doubtful that you would need an operation but just to be on the safe side I would get to chiropractor as soon as you can.

Dr John Quackenbush

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