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Can Chiropractic help with Scoliosis?
9/26 9:01:14

Dear Dr. Boss,

I am a 29 year old female from Indonesia.
I received information that chiropractic can help with Scoliosis
condition, is this true? If so how does it work and what are the
treatments? Could you by any chance recommend any chiropractor
you know practicing in Jakarta, Indonesia? Many thanks beforehand
for your kind attention, I look forward to your response.

Best regards,


Thanks for your question.  Chiropractic can definitely help scoliosis patients, however, at 29, if the curve is significant, it will be difficult.  It will take a long series of manipulation, therapy, exercise, and possibly bracing if the curve is a big one.  If it is mild, manipulation and exercise will often stop it's progress and even reverse it somewhat.

I am sorry to say that you would be the only person I would have ever contacted in Indonesia.  My suggestion is that you ask friends or family or coworkers to find a chiropractor with a good reputation.  Then make an appointment for a consultation.  Just go a speak with them about your problem and ask what they feel can be done for you.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Boss

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