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Pain in sternum
9/26 9:00:35

Dr. Wiggins,

After attending the gym for around a year weight training using free weights, recently after a tough sessions my sternum keeps popping. Its hard to describe and always happens when I sit for a long time, then stand up and stretch back. It does not hurt with the pop its actually a nice feeling like when you pop your fingers. However I do feel a dull pain around the manubrium and when I try and stretch it too long it hurts, also when i try and do front over rows it hurts only on one side the right hand side.

I think it might be something to do with my costosternum ligament but have normal ROM, wanted to know your opinion? My regards Dan  


The pop that are experiencing with a stretch is very common.  You have a network of origin and inserting muscles that pull on the ribs and sternum when you stretch.  This is why people often hear this when the arms are stretched back or the head is tipped backward or both.  This stretches the articulations in the front and equals a cavitiation.  The cavitation is a release of gas collected in the joint spaces.  It takes a while to build this up again so the pop is not immediately reproducible.  As the muscles are stretched if you have a trigger point or sore muscle it may begin to burn or ache.  This should not be severe and if it is you should have it evaluated.  I have seen cases where the spine has restriction of motion in the back where the ribs articulate and caused discomfort in the chest.  If you have any concern about this you should seek the advice of a local chiropractor for help.  I hope this has helped you and feel free to ask any other questions to clarify!

Best health
Dr. Wiggins

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