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gag reflex
9/26 8:53:46

Hi Victor,

Ive had a very sensitive gag reflex since I was very young. I am now 29 yrs old and it has bascially turned into a phobia almost. I have lots of anxiety about gagging (dry heaving). I am currently on a antidepressant PAxil to help with my anxiety about gagging.
I came across a chiropractics website which has a program to stop gagging for people with a sensitve gag. Can chiropractics help me or is this all in my head? I know for sure anxiety brings it on, but also just in general have a very sensaitive gag like even when brushing my teeth or eating. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thankyou

Hello Joe, sorry to hear of the over active gag reflex.

People often look for a magic bullet.  One simple, fast, easy, quick way to cure a problem.  Unfortunately many times the answer takes more than that.

You already mention that things are worsened by anxiety.  The overactive gag reflex is certainly made worse by anxiety.  Perhaps psychological or psychiatric intervention concurrent with other therapies could be helpful.

From my perspective as a Doctor of Chiropractic, I look at the word 'reflex' and think of nerves.  Not the 'nerves' as in anxiety above, but the actual physical nerves.  Perhaps Chiropractic analysis and adjustment to the cranial bones, cervical spine could be helpful to decrease the irritability of the nerves involved.

Look for a Doctor of Chiropractic who does cranial adjustments as well as the traditional cervical adjustments. Chiropractors or Osteopaths who are familiar with Upledger or Sutherland techniques might be helpful.  Google Upledger or Sutherland osteopathic manipulation to find further information on this avenue.

This is a tough question.  I wish you luck and good health naturally, your Staten Island Chiropractor, Dr. Victor Dolan.  (email newsletter)

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