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numbness left ring finger
9/26 8:57:11

This is really weird. But my hand ring finger on the tip I'll wake up and it feels numb and tingles like when you sit on your leg and then try to get up. It will last for a couple of days then it goes away. I'm not sure if this would be related to something in my neck but I don't have any other symptoms to go with it.


The numbness that you're feeling in your ring finger may be due to a herniated disc in your lower cervical spine (neck) affecting the C8 nerve root.

You may also have trigger points (tender nodules in the muscle that refer pain to other regions) in the pronator teres muscle in the elbow.

I would recommend a consultation with a chiropractor who will assess your neurological integrity by checking your deep tendon reflexes of the arms on both sides, your skin sensation of the arms to assess the dermatomes, and the muscle strength in both arms and hands to determine if there are any weaknesses.

If your symptoms worsen or fail to improve with several weeks of conservative care, you may need to consider having an MRI scan of the neck to rule out a more serious problem.

Your other treatment options may also include acupuncture, massage therapy, or physical therapy.

I hope that this answers your question.

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