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Upper back pain when doing press ups
9/26 9:02:57

Hi, I don't know if you're the right person to ask but I suppose it's worth a try.

I've been getting a sharp pain in my upper back, just below the left shoulder blade, around the area of my Teres Major and Infraspinatus muscles. The problem occurs when I am getting up out of the pressup position and feels like a sharp pain in the area I described, it only ever occurs on the left hand side. This has happened before and I worked through it, this caused a pain which lasted for a number of months.

I'm have no idea what the problem is or what is causing it. Could this be down to back technique or something as simple as sleeping in an odd position? If you are not the right person to ask please could you point me to someone you think might be able to help.


the cause of most chronic and recurring pains, in general, including muscle pain, is nerve interference. while one's activities may aggravate symptoms, the root cause remains, regardless of pain severity. the cause is nearly always a misaligned c1 (atlas) vertebra impinging the spinal cord. this needs to be precisely corrected. in addition, strenuous activities should be avoided as they will greatly increase the tendency for neck strain and resultant re-misalignment. i recommend you seek an HIO METHOD chiropractor.

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