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diaainess and spina bifida occult
9/26 8:53:23

My son was just diagnosed with spina bifida occulta.  He has had chronic dizziness since he was able to walk.  No clinician has ever been able to explain this condition- every test possible has been done and still no explanation for the dizziness.  Is there any correlation with this new diagnosis?

Hi Elaine,

I don't know of any studies on this issue.  Chiropractic can often help dizziness, but it is usually a neck problem.

You say that many tests have been run.  Have they ever evaluated the cerebrospinal fluid pressure?  With the SBO, there may be other unusual formations and this can influence the amount of fluid in the central nervous system.

The fluid is produced in the sinuses of the brain, travels around the cortex and down the spinal cord to be absorbed at the end of the of the line.  If this system is not fine tuned, a lot of problems can manifest.

If you have not consulted a Chiropractic doctor, this might be a simple solution avoiding more costly, invasive testing.

Hope this helps.

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