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Bulging Disc + Pinched Nerve
9/26 8:57:11

Hello - about 2 months ago I started to feel a bit of back pain accompanied with numbness of my foot and excruciating leg pain down the side of my calf (on my right leg).  I "self-diagnosed" myself as having a pinched L5 nerve root because I felt I had all the symptoms - even weakness in the dorsiflexion of my big toe!  Which was really weird to experience... Anyway, I have been suffering through this stuff ever since.  My back does not seem to hurt very much at all - aside from a little stiffness now and then - but, my leg and hip are killing me.  I am consistently very sore every morning when I wake up (especially in my hip area), and the leg pain still keeps me from doing everything that I want to.  In addition, upon standing from a sitting position (sitting/slightly bent forward is the most comfortable position for me), I get the sensation of my leg being "asleep" - it is not so much a pins and needles sensation as much as a weak/numb/tingly sensation.

I have visited a chiropractor a couple of times and I don't feel like she has helped me to really understand what is going on.  My vertebral column appears to have a lean to the left, and my discs are slightly thinned (by the way, I am only 25 years old - and I am a veterinary student, so I will understand and appreciate if you answer in a more technical jargon).  All she suggested was that I ice it along with taking some NSAIDs and just keep visiting her...  And, the ice does help when it is really sore.

Presently, it seems like the strength in my toe has "improved", but the tingling "numbness" is now creeping all the way up my leg into my butt.

I want to know if I should continue to seek medical attention, or if this is something that just takes a LOT of time to heal.  I am afraid to continue to take Aleve as I feared it was contributing to some stomach upsets and constipation - is there a better anti-inflammatory I can take more safely?

Hi Suzy,

You are classic for HNP L5/S1 disc herniation, get an MRI to rule out piriformis spasm over the sciatic nerve as this can reproduce the same symptomatology. If your D.C. is not using F/D tables to decompress the disc, you are seeing the wrong doctor.

Flexion-Distraction Therapy - What is it?

Flexion-Distraction, (F/D) is a gentle, chiropractic treatment procedure utilized for back and neck pain. Flexion-Distraction is a safe alternative to back surgery for those 95% of patients whose conditions do not demand surgical intervention. The doctor is in control of the treatment movements at all times.

Flexion-Distraction is utilized for many conditions such as:

Failed Back surgical Syndromes
Disc Herniation/Ruptured Disc / Bulging Disc / Herniated Disc
Sciatica / Leg pain
"Whiplash" injuries
Arm Pain
Neck Pain
Failed course of Steroid Injections
Chemical Radiculitis
Transitional segment
Many more conditions?
How does Flexion-Distraction Work?

For Disc related conditions:

Increases the intervertebral disc height to remove annular tension on the annular fibers and nerve by making more room and improving circulation.
Allows the nucleus pulposus, the center of the disc, to assume its central position within the annular fibers and relieves irritation of the spinal nerve.
Restores vertebral joints to their physiological relationships of motion.
Improves posture and locomotion while relieving pain, improving body functions, and creating a state of well-being.
For Non-Disc related conditions:

Patients with other conditions causing back pain (facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, sprain/strain, scoliosis, transitional vertebra, sacroiliac restrictions and misalignment, certain types of spinal stenosis), Flexion/Distraction provides all of the above benefits plus the ability to place the spinal joints into normal, painless movements so as to restore spinal motion without pain:

The posterior disc space increases in height.
F/D decreases disc protrusion and reduces stenosis.
Flexion stretches the ligamentum flavum to reduce stenosis.
Flexion opens the vertebral canal by 2 mm (16%) or 3.5 to 6mm more than extension.
Flexion increases metabolite transport into the disc.
Flexion opens the apophyseal joints and reduces posterior disc stress
The nucleus pulposus does not move on flexion. Intradiscal pressure drops under distraction to below 100mm Hg. On extension the nucleus or annulus is seen to protrude posterior into the vertebral canal.
Intervertebral foraminal openings enlarge giving patency to the nerve.

Reference: Cox JM, Feller JA, Cox-Cid JA: Topics in clinical Chiropractic 1996; 3(3):45-59

Call around and find a D.C. that has the money for these tables, you will be fixed in short order, approximately 2-6 weeks. If it is a piriformis, I doubt it, then it is even easier to treat. Instead of wasting anymore time, find a D.C. that has F/D and if you don't notice a 50% reduction in symptoms in a week or 3 visits, a piriformis issue must be worked up. If it comes to that, I will be happy to instruct you on how to fix that as well.

If you need help finding a D.C. in your area that has these tables, let me know and I'll find you one.

NSAID's only mask symptoms, F/D cures the problem.

In addition, if it is a disc, there is a reason why it failed. This is due to the annular fibers weakening, this is treated with glucosamine sulfate, take 3000mg/day and it will shore up the annulus preventing further issues. Continue icing, no heat. Ice over L5/S1, not your leg since the source is probably there.

Good Luck,
Dr. Timothy Durnin

O.K. Suzy, I'll find you somebody by tomorrow. I need to personally call each doctor and make sure they know what they are doing.

Hi Suzy,

I haven't forgotten about you.:)

I have been overwhelmed with referral requests and contacting doctors by phone is hit or miss. I use a national directory that often leaves out critical information on alumnus, techniques and experience.

There is a better way and much more efficient, I found a website that lists all actively certified physicians that use F/D. Just click on your state of Washington and you will see a list with phone numbers and towns in your area. Anyone on that list is qualified to effectively treat your condition. If you need me to call the doctor by phone for further evaluation, I will. If you are not comfortable with the chosen doctor for any reason, I will make sure I find you one close and qualified. For some reason, the areas you gave me list many doctors but lack the information I need to filter out the unqualified D.C.'s and M.D.'s. I then have to call dozens of listed physicians only to find out they don't have the tables. This has taken much time. It would be much easier if you looked at the list in WA. to see if any are near you. If you still can't find one, I will.

Thanks for your patience.

Dr. Timothy Durnin

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