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constant headache for 2 months
9/26 8:56:01

QUESTION: Hello Dr. Leatherman,

I've been having a constant headache for more than two months now. It all started with a heavy head feeling and shakiness (tremor)...almost like a nervous feeling, as if I was getting a fever or getting sick.  Later that night (about an hour or so later) I started getting a headache and my stomach felt sick. I assumed it was just a virus.  However a week later I still had the headache, fatigue, and shakiness with no relief.

I went to the doctor, who did a blood test for (lymes, mono, meningitis, thyroid) It all came back clear. I was put on two rounds of antibiotics for a sinus infection (didnt work). After a CT scan, MRI, and a week of steroids, as well as indomethicin...still no relief.  

In the beginning, my neck was very sore and there was a ton of pressure on the abck of my head (mostly left side). the pain is mostly on the left, top of my head and front of it. I felt light headed, in a brain fog, and like there was a brick inside of my head. My body felt exhausted, like I had the flu, but there was no virus present and the antibiotics didn't work.

For about 6 weeks I felt this way, until the exhaustion went away for the most part.  I'm on a daily chronic headache medicine, I have no signs of allergies.  My neurologist seems to think that it's just a daily chronic headache. But I havent had a headache for more than a day or two in my life, something has to be wrong or causing it.  I noticed lately that in addition to the headaches, my neck cracks a lot when I move it slightly. Where should I go next? Should I see a chiropractor?

When it rains, my headaches get worse. This has been constant for two months, sleep used to help, but now it doenst as much. The headache is worse in the afternoon, but I feel it at ALL times during the day. I also have a small lump (doc said it was a lymph node) in the back of my head on the left side.  It seems to "cramp up" like the rest of my head, it's a nagging pain, nor throbbing. I'm on fioricet, which takes the edge off, but I feel like I have the flu every day of my life and my head is still heavy and sometimes these headaches are so nagging (especially when it rains) HELP! Would you recommend a nutritionist, where should I go next? Thanks for your time!

ANSWER: Dear Jen,

The medical professionals have already ruled out serious pathology and illness as the cause, so I would most certainly recommend a chiropractic physician to evaluate the joints of the upper neck and the occiput (bottom of the skull).  This area of the spine is responsible for many headaches due to the complexity of the joint structures and the nerves in that area.  When the spine is adjusted in this area, it can eliminate headache pain for many after just a few adjustments.  It is a good option for you to research.

Additionally, improving your nutritional intake with dietary changes and nutritional supplementation is also valuable for reducing inflammation and for many other health benefits.  But what should you supplement with?  the best advice I can give you is to get tested to see what your nutritional need is by checking your individual metabolism.  This can easily be done at home through a 5 minute urinalysis collection, and then sent to the lab for processing so that your individual report can be generated for you along with a custom vitamin based on your metabolic profile, your age, and sex.  I do this with my patients, and get great results.  It is inexpensive and the whole process only takes two weeks tops.  Let me know if you would like my help, and I can get you the information needed to be tested.

Let me know what you would like to do, and if I can help with any further questions about chiropractic care.

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dr. Leatherman,

Thanks so much for your advice.  I cannot get through the day at this point without a pain killer (fioricet)..and I DO NOT want to become dependent on these.  The headaches feel like someone is digging their nails into the top of my head and a general ache in the front, top, and sides (like a flu headache).

My neck is sore also after 4 days of rain and I feel like my head is still trying to heal itself.  The headaches have gotten more severe this past week due to the rain I believe, even though it's now sunny.

I also have tremor with my headaches, especially in my hands, mostly when I'm using them, not at rest, but it's always there.  When I am more active (cleaning etc) I feel extra shaky, almost feverish.  I feel like there is a brick laying on the top of my head.  My neck was more sore in the beginning of all this, eased a good deal, then came back this past weekend with the rain.  I feel like its contributing to the rest of my headache.  My neck also cracks a lot as I mentioned before, more than normal. My lower back/mid back often have a sore spot as well. I have no idea what kind of headaches these are, I just know I feel out of it a lot...and I want to go insane from the pain. I have a H/A 24/7, it might ease in the morning, but its always there.

If you could please give me the information about the urinalysis collection that would be great.  Have you heard of similar symptoms dealing with the neck needing to be realigned?  Thanks very much for your time and help!  

Dear Jen,

The quick answer to your question is that yes, symptoms such as yours can easily be the result of neck issues concerning the structure and function of the spine in the neck.  The main reason is that the nerve roots in that area can be irritated, stretched, or inflamed as well as the spinal cord, and this can lead to altered neurological function and processing at those levels and into higher brain centers.  Symptoms that seem unrelated can be from the neck, as well as head, neck and facial pain syndromes. I would obviously recommend that you have it looked at by a chiropractic physician who will approach the problem from an entirely different perspective.

Now, concerning the urinalysis, it checks your metabolic function by looking at key end products of metabolism in the urine.  Specifically;  lipid peroxides, nitrates, and sulfates.  (you need to understand how the body is utilizing nutrients to provide the best nutritional support)

With this information, you are placed in a metabolic profile (48 different profiles have been identified) and this will consider your age and sex as well.  Once in that profile, a custom nutritional product is designed to work with your individual needs based on the testing.  The testing kit has a cost of $99.00, and that takes care of the laboratory processing, shipping costs, and your lab report.  

That report information is sent to another lab for the formulation of the products, and they are shipped directly to your door...about two weeks time.  The test has directions included and the process is easy.  The product cost is $69.95 monthly, which is a bit more than $2 a day.  For someone like yourself, I would recommend re-testing in about 6 months to see if the profile has often does once you have been on the products for awhile. I test myself every year.  My patients have gotten great results from the products, and many have also lost weight as well.

If you want to get the testing I can help you connect with the company or send you a test kit myself as I have them in my office.  Just e-mail your contact information (phone)to my office:  [email protected], and I will contact you so that your information is not accessible to others on the net. We can complete the process online if you wish in about 10 minutes.

Let me know what you would like to do Jen?

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman

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