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continuing back problems
9/26 9:03:06

I suffered a car accident in late 1998, since that time i have had problems with pain down my left arm, discomfort when i beathe deeply and general discomfort on the upper left side of my back, as well as stiffness and limited movment in my neck and a very painful lower back. I went to see a chiropractor who said they can fix all this for me, they took xrays and told me i had an unpronounced curve in my lower back and slight crvatutr from right to left, also that i had a dislodged rib, and it would take a course of at least 14 intensive treatments. since starting the treatment i hav ebeen in a lot of muscular discomfort although my range of movement has impronved i am now almost at the end of this treatment but my back just seems to be gatting worse ater initially seeming to get better, waht is the matter and what should i do.

Chiropractic helps by correcting blockages or restrictions in small spinal joints in the neck or back that irritate nerves.  These restrictions, which are very common, can often cause symptoms such as neck, back and arm pain.  

The curvatures of the spine are important, but not the direct cause of symptoms.  The restrictions that actually are corrected by chiropractic treatments do NOT directly show on x-rays, since they have to do with movement (or lack of it) and x-rays are taken standing still!

Fourteen treatments at a rate of 2-3 times weekly is a very reasonable amount of treatment BUT you should feel significantly better after 10-12 treatments, and if you are feeling worse, you should discontinue treatment and try a different chiropractor or another form of treatment--perhaps acupuncture.  For a chiropractic referral, try the Motion Palpation Institute at and/or the activator methods organization at

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