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rib problem and nausea
9/26 8:54:05

I have been having this on going problem with pain on my left side in my rib area. I do go to a chiropractor on a regular basis and he says it is a dislocated rib. He is able to fix the dislocation of the rib and makes it feel so much better. My concern is what is causing the rib to dislocate. I do not do any strenuous work. This is causing me so much nausea and really is becoming costly going back to the chiropractor each time it dislocates.


Has the DC ruled out any internal organ disease?  Gall bladder irritation, for example, can refer to the ribs on right side of the middle back, the pancrease or lungs on the left side.   Is there pain following a meal?  Worsening when laying down at night to sleep?  Do you have any lung issues?   If all this stuff has been ruled out, and your pain is purely musculoskeletal in nature, then the DC simply has to rotate through different methods to find one that creates resolve and stability for the rib area.  If all your getting is the rib being popped (odds are it's not truly dislocated, but rather is stuck or malfunctioning along with the spine segments it attaches to), then maybe he must also emply soft tissue procedures such as Graston Technique, or have you doing some strengthening exercises for the area.   Doing the same thing over and over with no change in the outcome may prove to be fruitless...  If the DC is not trained to do exercise training/prescription, then find a good personal trainer to work with at the gym.   If the DC has no training or skills in performing soft tissue work, then you may have to change DC's.

'Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

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