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Sinus major problems, Migranies
9/26 8:53:11

My ENT wants me to have my sinus's on plugged, I have had major sinus issues, the result of course is major headaches.  I dont want to have surgery. Have been told it really doesnt work. Daily headaches some worse then others. Sick of taking what ever I can to relief the pressure. I have been told that a Chiroprator can help with these issues. Please let me know what your recommendation would be?

Hi Monica,

That's miserable.  Chiropractic can often help...but no magic.  Many people notice sinus and ear improvement with adjustment.  Many of us will directly use technics on the sinuses, facial muscles and ear pressure to change the situation.

Surely you have tried the saline washes and so on.  Often treatment of food allergies can help alleviate trouble.

My (30 years) of experience agrees with your doubts.  The odds are not very good on those sinus "unplugs" or curettage (scraping out the sinus) treatments.  It may be worth the risk, but the odds are simply poor.

A Chiropractic consult would be harmless and possibly extremely beneficial.

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