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lumbar herniated disk
9/26 8:57:57

I was in a car accident in 1997 and have a herniated disk at L5-6 inpinging on the spine. It is quite uncomfortable, but the doctor said I am not bad enough for surgery yet. Can you give me some exercises  to strengthen this area???

Dear Donna,

There are a few specific exercise that will help stabilize the low back in relation to the bulging disk, but I would also recommend that you have you spine additionally evaluated with a chiropractic evaluation as we are often very successful in adjusting the low back and reducing the effect on the disk while also reducing pain levels.  I treat disk patients in my clinic all the time with good results.

Now, exercises:  A few basic things will help to stabilize the disk and they are all focused on working the small muscle of the spine rather than the large muscles.  We need to target the multifidus muscle, the rotatores muscles, and the intertransversale muscles.  These are all refer to as postural muscles because their job is stability rather than gross movement.  They are very small and directly attach around the disk area.  The multifidus is the most important of them all.

Start with Pelvic lifts.  laying back flat on the floor with legs bent and feet flat on the floor, suck in the belly and push with the bottom of the feet so that you but lifts of the floor slightly.  hold for a few second and repeat.

Cats and dogs:  On the floor on all fours like an animal.  Head up looking forward, suck in the belly and hunch up like a cat. Hold for a few seconds and relax downward pushing your belly out with a hollow back in to the dog posture.  Repeat.

Lastly Bird Dogs (more advanced) on the floor on all fours again.  head up and suck in belly.  Simultaneously lift left hand and right leg while stretching the arm and leg out infront of you. (looks like a bird dog on point)  hold for a few seconds and then relax back to all fours position.  Repeat on the other side.  Switch back and forth from side to side with a 2-3 second hold.  Check out the below link for form and pictures.

Start with the first exercise and then progress to the bird dog.  Always remember to keep your stomach tight on all of the exercises to promote the proper sequence.  Work up to 30 repetitions before moving onto the next exercise. you should see good improvements in 4-6 weeks.  ...And yes, i still think you should have your back adjusted by a chiropractor as well.

Good luck Donna!

Dr. J. Shawn Leatherman  

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