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Right Should Weak, Left Hamstring Sore
9/26 8:45:04

I'm a powerlifter. In September, I did a bench competition and did well.  I missed my third lift, but the second one was a record.  However, since then my left upper hamstring/lower buttock is sore when standing or walking AND my right shoulder/arm has been weak. The hamstring isn't sore when I'm sitting.  I can bench press light weights, but when I attempt to bench with heavier weights, my right side always drags behind my left and I can't lockout or control weight even close to what I could before the meet. This starts occurring at weight that I could previously do an easy 8 reps.  Other press exercises and pulldowns are equally weak. My massage therapist and chiropractor have been unable to solve the problem, EXCEPT for one time when my massage therapist really worked my diaphram and abs. He got be working for one day and it hasn't worked since. I took 4 weeks off, but that didn't help.  I'm not sure if the right shldr is weak or fatigues quickly.  My head also sometimes tilts to the right.  Thanks.

Muscle imbalance, muscle weakness, muscle pain?, shoulder injury, neck injury

Hello Deb,

I am sorry to hear of your condition, prolonged symptoms.

"...I'm a powerlifter. In September, I did a bench competition and did well.  I missed my third lift, but the second one was a record.  However, since then my left upper hamstring/lower buttock is sore when standing or walking AND my right shoulder/arm has been weak.....", when you did your record lift (congratulations), did you feel anything different? anything strange?, any snap, crackle, pop- anywhere; the neck, back, shoulder, arm, leg?  Are the symptoms just weakness alone, or is there any pain/ tingling/ numbness,,, any other complaints besides weakness?

LEFT hamstring/ buttock; RIGHT shoulder/ arm- this 'diagonal' weakness, this imbalance would seem to be right up chiropractic's alley.  You go to the Doctor of Chiropractic.  Has your doctor performed a new evaluation since the injury?, has the doctor changed treatment since the condition does not seem to be improving?, have you given the chiropractor and massage therapist ample treatment visits? (Sometimes people say 'I went to my chiropractor', and that means they went twice in a month, or once last year, or some such - not a fair judgement since repeated evaluation may be needed, perhaps sequentially progressing treatment steps need to be taken.)

If you have given the DC adequate time and treatment visits, talk to the doctor-- why are not things changing for the better?  Perhaps a re-evaluation and a change in treatment is needed.
There are many specialties in chiropractic (see: ), I would be partial towards a DACBSP (sports chiropractor) or a DACNB (chiropractic neurologist).  I would recommend looking for a Chiropractor near you (if you changed Chiros) at the website or the websites.

You obviously have an imbalance in your nerves/ muscles/ joints.  Chiropractic should help. Your Doctor should vary his(her) approach.  Perhaps a different specialty in Chiropractic could be of help.

".... I can bench press light weights, but when I attempt to bench with heavier weights, my right side always drags behind my left and I can't lockout or control weight even close to what I could before the meet. This starts occurring at weight that I could previously do an easy 8 reps. ...."- 'right side drags behind' = either you have an intrinsic muscular problem, or perhaps the nerves controlling the muscles are not communicating properly; eithe way I do recommend staying with chiropractic.

"....Other press exercises and pulldowns are equally weak. My massage therapist and chiropractor have been unable to solve the problem, EXCEPT for one time when my massage therapist really worked my diaphram and abs....",  again, I think you are in the right disciplines, but,,,,,,,,
and I hate to say it, it may be time for evaluation with another LMT and DC, get a new different perspective!

"....I took 4 weeks off, but that didn't help.  I'm not sure if the right shldr is weak or fatigues quickly....", time off or medications are not going to get to the UNDERLYING CAUSE of your complaints.  Communicate with your chiropractor, have a re-evaluation, have a change in treatment; or have an evaluation and/or treatment by a different chiropractor.

"....My head also sometimes tilts to the right.....", is this new?, did this happen with/after/because of the injury?  Again, this points to a neuro-muscular change, the kind of thing that usually responds well to Chiropractic care.

I hope this all helps!!!!!

I wish you good luck and good health naturally, If you need further- do not
hesitate to REcontact me here at :

Thank You for the question,

Dr. Victor Dolan, DC, DACBSP
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Dr. Victor E. Dolan,   Doctor of Chiropractic;   Diplomate, American Chiropractic Board of Sport Physicians; Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management; Certified Clinical Nutritionist (IAACN);  FIRST  Chief of Chiropractic  in  a  Hospital  in  New York State (DHSI);  As  Seen  in  PREVENTION  Magazine , Invited to Colorado Springs (Olympic Training Center) to  Care for USA Olympic Athletes 2010

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