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trapezius pain
9/26 8:50:54


I am musician (guitarest) and over the last couple of years I have been getting pain where the shoulder strap sits on my left shoulder. The pain isn't there when I commence playing but slowly creeps in after a couple of hours. Once the pain is present it also seems to affect my ribs on the same side. Once I place the guitar down I get immediate relief from the sore ribs however the trapezius muscle (possibly) pain goes on for days. I have padded my guitar strap and it helped for a while but after a few months the pain is back as strong as ever. I takes regular breaks after every 30-40 mins of playing time. Also at the end of the evening the pain is such that I am not able to pack up any of my equipment. I have had problems with my back at the T7 and was told that it was general wear over the years due to bad posture however the problem had disappeared when we purchase a new bed.

Hope you can help.
Kind regards


I recommend seeing a chiropractor or a massage therapist who is skilled in the treatment of myofascial trigger points.

Trigger points are tender nodules which develop in taut bands of skeletal muscle. They tend to radiate pain away from the location of the trigger point, but can also produce loss of function or weakness in the affected muscle.

Trigger point release is similar to a form of acupressure and typically produces relief of pain and improvement in muscle function.

I hope this helps to answer your concern.

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