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MRI Findings: Lumber lordotic curve is diminished
9/26 8:43:29

My MRI findings state that The lumber lordotic curve is diminished (paraspinal mayospasm). An other listed is at L4-L5: Non significant mild disc bulge is seen.

I want to ask how serious is this as i do not understand, my doctor stated its normal and I'm fine and was told to take Ibrofin 400mg 2 tablets a day for a month. I took the medication for 3 months and it did gave me some relief but the pain still there i now take a tablet or two when ever i feel a lot of pain but i never found myself totally recovered at anytime. Another thing that i would like to ask is if the findings are common and not a major concern why I suffered a lot of pain over the time.
Thank you

your doctor is wrong! it is not normal to have a reduced lordosis curve (its common , but normal) also a disc bulge is not normal, but common.
taking drugs will never fix ANY condition , it just masks your symptoms. Until people start to realize that, they will continue to deteriorate their health.
first you should have your psoas muscle checked and stretched (its a very difficult muscle to stretch on your own) it is the only muscle that attaches to the lumbar discs. then you want to do some exercise to get your lordosis curve back.
Superman exercise is good and there are several others that a chirpractor or physical therapist can show you.
stop taking drugs to fix your problem and get to the root of it and you will have your life back (drug free)

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