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Arm Concerns
9/26 8:49:19

I just received a massage about 2 hours ago.  I have been reading about shoulder/arm pain.  I have tingling hot pain shooting down my arm (around the bicipital groove) to my hand (last two digits and the thumb).  Kind a thrown by the variety of the symptoms.  LMT did deep tissue around the pectoral and teres minor muscle.  Any suggestions or assessment tests to do?  Thanks!


First: wait.  Give it a day or two.  If it is not gone, then you need to see the chiropractor and be evaluated for signs of irritation to cervical nerve roots (not likely) or the brachial plexux (more likely) or for nerve irritation at common entrapment sites like under the pectoralis minor (also somewhat likely).   If you are healthy, with no underlying spine arthritis or disc bulges, then odds are you are experiencing transient neuropraxia - like what happens to your foot if you cross your legs too long.   If this is so, it should dissipate in a short period of time on its own.

Hope this helps.

Dr. G

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