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Numbness on left side of leg
9/26 8:39:42


My name is Lucy I'm 26, for the past month I've had numbness on the left side of my leg, in which i had no idea, until i shaved one day. I figured maybe it will go away in a few days,but its been a whole month and the numbness is actually spreading higher up. I'm not in pain and it does not cause my leg to tingle, nor does it give me headaches or backaches. Its only when i run my fingers through that certain spot that it feels numb, the sensation feels similar to when you get injected with anesthesia. I sit at desk for 8 hours a day 5 days a week, this had never happend to me with my previous job since i was on my feet for about 10 hours a day. I work out about twice a week. Can i do anything at this point to make the numbness go away? may it be lack of vitamins? Do i need to increase my active life? Should i just see a doctor?

Hi Lucy,
  You most likely have a pinched sensory nerve causing the numbness. You can also have a pinched nerve with no back pain. The nerves in your lower back control the sensation in your legs. First I would stretch the legs, hamstrings, quadriceps, ilio tibial band and your piriformis muscles. You can YouTube all those muscles and there are videos on stretches. If it
Continues after a week of stretching I would go see a chiropractor or a neurologist. They can
Run a few tests on you to check the nerve.  

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